Thursday, November 21, 2013

Pretending to be celebrities!

After MONTHS and MONTHS of discussing it (we started right when we decided to have another baby) we have finally come to a decision surrounding Erik's birth. We didn't make the decision on a whim but a lot of thought and time went into making our decision.

We have decided that when Erik is born it will just be Mike and I in the room. We will have no visitors (except Kristoffer of course) at the hospital or at home until Erik is at least a week old. Nothing will be posted about his birth or pics until after then. We want to focus on becoming a family of four and transitioning Kristoffer from only child to a big brother. Also let him get to know his little brother before everyone comes to gawk at Erik. I want Kristoffer to feel like a priority still when his brother comes. We were pretty open about Kristoffer's birth, hospital visits and after we came home so we are taking it down a couple notches.

As Erik's due date approaches I will probably be posting less to focus my last few weeks of being a mom to one child and making sure everything is ready for Erik to come home. I will not confirm nor deny his birth until I am ready to announce. I hope everyone can respect and accept our decision. I know some feelings will be or are hurt by our decision but we need to focus on what's best for our family and we feel this way is it. If somehow you do find out Erik is born please respect our decision and not say anything.

Let the countdown begin!

          Tomorrow I will be 30 weeks pregnant! Can't believe I only have 10 weeks till Erik's due date. I will be very surprised if he doesn't come before then. I remember being 10 weeks pregnant and thinking I still have 30 weeks to go! Erik is super active unlike Kristoffer when I was pregnant with him. I have baby brain BAD this time. I'm ready to have Erik but he needs to stay in for a little bit longer. Taking my dogs on their 2 mile daily walks are over until after Erik comes. I can barely make it a mile before the soreness and pressure kicks in. So I will just stick with walking around my block a couple times till that becomes too much.

I had a wonderful baby shower last weekend. Thank you to everyone that came and have sent gifts. I really love them all. Here are just a few pics from the shower.

Love the cake

Owl blanket!

Can't wait to see him in this

Erik's crib quilt

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween 2013

  I got a small pumpkin this year cause I knew I wouldn't feel like carving. So I made a Princess pumpkin or so I thought............

                                            Kristoffer helped me paint mine since his went bad before Halloween.
                        I think he wasn't impressed with my picture taking. (Those are Power Ranger Samuri marks)
                        Kristoffer turned my Princess pumpkin into a Prince pumpkin. He said he didn't like the "S's"
                                                                                        Mike's Pumpkin
                                                              And Kristoffer chose to be a Red Samuri Ranger
                                                                       He didn't want his picture taken!
Look at that happy red ranger we have. LOL. I wasn't planning on dressing up. But I had my vest on I wear when walking the dogs and remembered Kristoffer had a hard hat Mike used when he worked on a ship. So I became a construction worker. Kristoffer didn't like I was wearing HIS hat.